Why I fell in love with Edmonton: Dave Pavelich

By September 9, 2014Blogposts, News

Why I fell in love with Edmonton:
Dear #YEG,
I’m writing this to you because most people will never understand why I fell in love with such a bipolar cold hearted girl like you.
You tease me with two glorious summer months of July & August with beautiful patio nights. The moon comes out when it’s just shy of midnight & when your sunsets, your sky is so wonderfully colorful; some say they’ve even seen you rain skittles.
When September comes that’s when my favourite season starts, the fashion can only show off a woman’s heart. In October you can express yourself through leather jackets, and well-tailored suits.
It’s time to travel and see the world when November comes, go anywhere, for a few weeks you can even be a beach bum. In December it really looks like Christmas, as it should be. The cold make’s relationships better, as you stay inside and cuddle up together.
January is a new year & the snow makes for a great gym partner, you make be turn my fat into armour. The economy is still good in February and that’s why you let me take trips out to the mountains, swimming in a heated pool while it’s snowing is an experience I believe everybody should encounter.
March & April you two make my heart melt, I’m starting to shed clothes but the fashion is still there. In May & June you’re crazy but I still love your faults, because I don’t appreciate the sun without a little rain, and how could you know joy without pain? I love you through thick & thin, together we always win. That’s why I fell in love with the city of champions.
-Dave Pavelich The Mark Consulting & Marketing @DPavelich