Even though the purpose of websites has evolved–from static, online brochures to dynamic e-commerce engines–your website still says an awful lot about you. And your business.
For most people, it’s the first information they will get about you and it will form the basis of their first impression. Few things are more valuable.
Which means it’s true that having a bad website may be worse than having no website at all–which, let’s be honest, is pretty bad. If you’re serious and want others to take you seriously, it’s time to take an equally serious look at your website.
Here are four things you should examine, and maybe fix, on your Internet property.
Is it clean?
Is your website like your closet? Is it chocked-full of great information but cluttered? I’m not talking about navigation–I’m talking about appearance. White space. It sells. Every word, every image on your homepage takes away from the words and images next to it. Think: Google. It’s 90% white space, one logo, one search box. That’s clean.
Why is that important?Justin Louie, Creative Director at Payline Data explains, “Online retail stores and service providers love simple and clean integrations. Their customers love simple too. By adopting a seamless check out, you not only get higher conversion rates, you create a better opportunity for a repeat customer with a great first impression.”
Does it take forever to load?
Borrow an iPhone and an Android and go outside–away from Wifi. Load your homepage with a watch in your other hand. If it takes more than six or seven seconds to come in, it may be time to call your web engineers. Everyone–your customers included–is impatient. They will either wait and be frustrated or leave. Neither is good.
What’s your point?
Never assume those visiting your website know what you do. Most won’t. At some point you may have had to make an elevator pitch about your company. Your website is like that but with even less time. What is the most important thing you want to tell visitors? If that’s not crystal clear, rethink what’s more important.
Is it Search Friendly? You may not be able to tell this by looking at your homepage but it’s important too. Most–nearly all–web traffic comes from searching. If search engines can’t find you, are confused about what you do or have you on a ‘black list,’ you may as well be invisible. Call an expert. Get an option. Get two.
If any of these need help, get it. Bring in a pro. While it can be expensive, the better question is–can you afford to do nothing about it?
www.Inc.com Written by:Adam Fridman
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