Facebook: Is the most well rounded & well known social media platform and is usually the “Gateway drug” into all the other mediums. Facebook allows you to share pictures, tag friends, post videos (internal & external) meaning you can upload a video directly to Facebook or use an outside source like YouTube or Vimeo to post your link. It allows you to rant & post your opinions without capping you on word count. On a regular Facebook page you can only have 5000 “Friends” while with their “Like” or “Fan” pages there is no maximum to your followers, these pages are generally used by businesses, entrepreneurs, and famous people alike.
Instagram: Originally created for photographers, Instagram is strictly a photo & 15 second video sharing App that uses hashtags to create a database to allow you to browse through pictures that have these different “Tags”. “Sponsored” picture Ads have recently been adopted into Instagram for marketers & advertisers to capitalize on this App which blew up within the last 3 years!
Twitter: Follow people in the public eye; twitter is a feed where you can get anything from news, sports updates, business updates: discounts & contests or you can follow your favourite celebrity to get more of a personal feel of their personality. You can share your thoughts & views but you only have 140 Characters to do it in, so get to the point!If you watch anything on TV that is a “Broadcast” news, sports etc. you will notice that everyone has their twitter “handle” or “username”for you to easily find them and connect with them.
Snapchat: Is the originator of the disappearing picture or video, you can share pictures and videos with friends, family and co-workers but after they view it, it will disappear. Snapchat is also only in “Real” time, you can’t take a picture or video and share it at a later time; it has to be done right through the app and shared right away. It’s really cool to see backstage footage of your favourite sports team, or TV show, or just to joke around with your closest friends.
Linked In: Is an online 24/7 networking event, most of the world’s top CEO’s, entrepreneurs, professionals and business people are on Linked In, sharing ideas, articles and connecting with other like-minded people. Linked in is also great for finding a new job, or hiring a new person for your team.
YouTube: Basically an online TV station and you can have your own channel to broadcast your own videos; you can basically learn how to do anything from an oil change, to social media tutorials and everything in between. You can literally spend hours and hours on YouTube everyday learning and entertaining yourself with all kinds of different content. You probably already do this, as the rest of the world does!
Pinterest: If you like it pin it, find recipes, do it yourself projects, find out about cool new products and tips, pin it and save it for later. Others can come to your page and see your interests, basically you make your own board with all kinds of information that interest you, and you can view other people’s boards for more ideas on any of your interests!
Periscope: The newest addition to the Twitter family, this is a Live broadcasting App, where people can ask you questions directly on live video. Your stream will be available for 24 hours after the live broadcast for people to view it. Periscope allows you to “Hang Out” with your favourite celebrity or business person… ask them something interesting.
Thank you for taking the time to read this blogpost, if you’re interested in knowing more in depth information about these different social media platforms like demographics, time spent, psychographics and more, please email me at Dave@TheMarkConsulting.com
Written by: Dave Pavelich
Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Periscope: DPavelich
Facebook: Dave Pavelich
YouTube: The Mark Consulting