If you don’t have your business on Pinterest, you are missing out! Missing out on over a million potential customers. The Mark Consulting and Marketing is a professional company that offers expert social media marketing services to its customers. Here are some ways to promote your business on Pinterest that will make you want to change your mind about not being on the wonderful board called Pinterest.
1. The very first thing you want to do is validate your business on Pinterest. This allows people to know that your account is real and more importantly that is if the official page for the company. Once they know your account is legitimate, it gives your pins much more credibility; they look at your pins as an authoritative source. Once you become an authoritative source, people want your opinion. This allows you to open their mind to your products, getting you more sales.
2. Build on that authoritative figure you just established to develop relationships otherwise known as network marketing. The more relationships you build the more visibility you will have online. It is best to build a variety of relationships that will compliment your business. For example your business is based on bulk dry goods, you want to cultivate relationships with bakeries, restaurants, stores, etc. This gets you visibility on their page to all the people who are following them and in return they get visibility on your page.
3. Now that you have verified your business and started building network relationships, build boards that represent your business. As an example, one board may be all about pasta, another board maybe all about spices and seasonings, and another may have recipes that use several of your dry goods products.
4. Use the opulent (rich) pins. These opulent pins allow you to add clear-cut details to your pin. For instance the current price of an item, title of a story, cooking amounts, your mailing address for your business or phone number, and reviews. By using the rich pins, you can get even more information out to people about your business, bringing in more potential customers.
5. Follow other businesses that are similar to yours or have products that you like and purchase yourself. Invite those people to your boards. Every time you come across a business similar to yours or those that have good products, pin them to your board and invite them to yours. For instance, you have dry goods and the business you want to pin and invite sells bakeware products.
6. Keep pinning informative articles about your products, sales, etc.! You want to keep the pins you make interesting and authoritative. That way people will continue to return to your board to look for new pins that are full of facts and truth and they will share your boards with people they know and care about.
7. Pin it buttons are good to use as long as you use them in moderation. Pining good information a couple times a day is enough since unlike most social networking sites, Pinterest pins stay in the viewing area much longer. So use the pin it buttons but do so in moderation. There is no need to make pin it ‘bomb’.
8. Make your Pinterest pins and boards SEO friendly so the search engines can find them easily. If you do this, you will have more traffic through your Pinterest boards which will in turn get you more followers which will convert to more customers for your business.
9. If you have one or more boards that are not as popular, promote them on the ones that are popular by using a “pin it” button. You can get more people interested in the content of those boards and also make them aware of their existence. Share relevant information from the popular boards to the less popular boards, and invite people to those boards.
10. Title your boards with key words; the reason for this is to make your boards easier to find through the search engines. Being found easily gets you more traffic and more sales. Also keep your information fresh while keeping key words on the fresh information in mind.
There are many more things you can do with a business account with Pinterest. The venues to expand on Pinterest are exponential and The Mark Consulting and Marketing firm specializes in strategies that can help your business succeed on Social Media platforms.
By Mark Pavelich President Ceo The Mark Consulting & Marketing
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