The Time Is Now: What Saying ‘Yes’ Says About Who You Are

By February 4, 2015Uncategorized

Our dreams are as hungry as our monsters — make sure to feed the right one.

We all have our vices: excessive smartphone scrolling, one more drink, just an easy swipe of your credit card, that unhealthy ex, the couch and the Pringles.

For fellow 20-somethings, life is buzzing, blinking and beeping from devices.

Mass email blasts sell random weight loss plans and colorful notifiers remind us that today is Mark’s (I think we went to high school together?) birthday.

Hundreds of different forces pull us in many directions screaming “Look here!” “Buy me!” “Turn me off, the brewing is done!” all before we have even had our morning Froot Loops.

The noise is prevalent and the temptation to indulge is strong. Focus.

While rolling with the daily punches, these needy factors seriously become exhausting. They overload the brain and become so depleting to our psyches that we barely even realize they are the culprits.

It’s not that we have too much to do, it’s that too many people and things want us to do something.

Text me, like me, follow me, pay me, eat me, lease me, do me a favor. It’s no wonder you’re distracted — your priorities are flustered and you didn’t get much done today.

The 20-somethings who thrive today are laying out the groundwork for their well-imagined 30s.

They demonstrate levels of clarity despite the energy wasting, time-consuming, tedious distractions that are aimed for their future selves.

Temptations come in many different forms and every time, we might give in by saying, “Oh, it’s just one more.” We define our willpower — or lack thereof.

Recognizing that all that glitters is not gold establishes our sense of wisdom, good judgment and priorities for the future.

These words to encourage your self-reevaluation are written from my personal weak amount of willpower.

As a self-proclaimed pushover, I’ve said yes to shifts I couldn’t pick up, shoe sales I couldn’t afford, one too many Ben & Jerry’s pints and Netflix instead of homework.

After robbing myself of the chance to practice some productive traits, like discipline, self-management and responsibility, by choosing the better/healthier option at the crossroads, I realized something had to give.

Immediate gratification took the lead until it got to a point that the universe nearly begged me to take on some self-responsibility.

Some acts provided me some momentary happiness that came and left me with the bill, interest rates, a hangover, regrets and different annoying aftermaths to deal with later on.

Some things look so good upfront, resisting seems nearly impossible.

Do your life a favor: Practice the qualities you respect. Earn your respect by standing for what is and what isn’t for you. Otherwise, you’ll be a conformist who falls for anything and everything.

Besides, everything about self-restraint is sexy. There’s nothing more admirable than letting the others go indulge in Taco Tuesday without you.

You’d rather stick to your diet or budgeting plans. Resisting peer pressure is attractive; it exudes strength and self-worth.

The one who isn’t doing what everyone else is doing may be alone, but at least he or she shines in his or her solitude.

Furthermore, people will love you when you do what everyone else does. But what you’re really receiving when you do this is praise for acting average because the masses are comfortable with it.

Yet, in doing what’s best for you, you resist norms and everything society, advertisements and the world tells you to do.

You might be alone in denying ladies night, and you might be the only one studying at the local café until closing time.

If you receive backlash, it’s because others are uncomfortable. The fact that you don’t give a sh*t establishes that there are other things to which you won’t succumb.

Unless you can live the rest of your 20s as a weenie, don’t be afraid to say no to things when it’s appropriate. You won’t be letting anyone down.

So many unbelievable stories of my own and of friends give this article weight. Since we are only as strong as the temptations we resist, it’s time we avoid the trouble and practice the traits we admire.

After all, our monsters don’t come to us in red capes and pointed horns; they greet us in the form of everything we’ve ever wanted.

Our judgement to know the difference sets our quality of life.

So, in honor of the new year and our new and improved selves, will Netflix win the battle between me and what I should actually be doing tonight after this article? No.

Written by: Seaman Source: