The Most Challenging Obstacles of Content Marketing

By July 2, 2015Uncategorized

It’s hard to read a marketing blog and not see numerous remarks about the power of using content to drive sales. Content marketing isn’t just a buzzword – it’s arguably the hottest way for companies to reach and sway buyers.

However, with any highly effective marketing strategy comes challenges. Content marketing isn’t immune to those struggles. Ascend2 Research Council recently conducted a survey to determine some of the biggest obstacles marketers are facing when it comes to content marketing. Here’s what they found:

1. Budget constraints

Crafting enough quality content isn’t cheap. From e-books and white papers to blog posts and articles, the cost of creating the content that’ll drive revenues adds up fast. Budget constraints are the biggest obstacle for marketers to overcome in content marketing.

2. Content creation resources

Let’s face it. Anyone can call themselves a writer, but you need to find the perfect fit for your business. You need someone who understands your industry and the science behind content marketing. Finding these resources is a struggle, especially in technical industries.

3. Content strategy

It’s not enough to create content. You need a strategy to weave it together and promote it across multiple platforms and channels.

Strategic content serves your business goals. Random, sporadic content might work, but it’ll be far less effective. If you don’t have the employee manpower to craft a strong strategy, working with a consultant can help.

4. Lack of data to measure success.

We live in a data-driven world, but to access the important data behind your marketing, you need to have the right tools in place. Set yourself up to measure your successes by using data tracking tools, such as Google Analytics, social media, and your customers’ inboxes.

5. Lack of management support

With budget constraints, lack of resources and strategy, and not enough data to measure success, getting management on board isn’t always easy. By forming the framework of a content strategy and using case studies and showing how competitors have profited as a result of content marketing, you’ll make a stronger case for this powerful marketing strategy.


Content marketing can be expensive, but the benefits far outweigh the costs. Make your content work harder for your business by maximizing each piece of content you invest in. Break down large pieces of content into smaller, bite-size articles. Automate your email marketing to serve the right content at the right time.

With a strategic approach, you can overcome some of these top obstacles and get more from your content marketing efforts.

Written by: Brenda Stoltz Source: