Smash Instagram Stories to Improve Your Branding

By January 31, 2023Blogposts

Most business owners spend hours on social media every day. How much time you spend on these platforms—whether writing blog posts or engaging with your audience—shows how important they are to your brand. Every business has something interesting to say about their brand, regardless of niche. However, you need a strategy quickly to reach the masses and stand out! Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms, so unless you have a branding strategy for every app, you must pay attention to its features. This blog post will cover ways to improve your Instagram branding and make your feed irresistible.

Create a unique brand voice and visual aesthetic

Create a brand voice and aesthetic to improve your Instagram branding. This will help you distinguish yourself from your competitors and label your content, which will increase engagement and visibility. If you want to engage followers, your posts should have visuals, even though Instagram is image-focused. Instagram Stories images and stickers can add creativity to your posts. Canva, Fiverr, and Pexel are great tools for creating visuals. These tools can create photos, images with text, and videos. Adding text, images, and filters to your visuals can help you brand.

Show, not tell.

Instagram is not the place to promote your brand. Instagram showcases your brand and products, as mentioned above. Take your photos and captions seriously to show, not tell. However, don’t make your brand boring. Instead of being subtle and letting your products speak for themselves, engage your followers and get them to visit your website.

Don’t forget to use video

Instagram is mostly image-based, but you can promote your brand with video. Video posts add movement to your feed. Video engages customers and boosts SEO. Video content can be optimized for search engines, making it a great way to promote your products. You can also add benefits by adding a short description of your video, brand, and where to find more product information. After publishing your video, add it to your feed so people can follow your brand and see what you offer.

Caption strong images.

To improve your Instagram branding, make your captions visually appealing and include engaging images. This will draw your target audience and potential customers to your website. Start your captions with a visual, like a product photo. Next, explain the post, how to use the visual, and where to learn more about your brand. Instead of trying to sell, captions should highlight product benefits and how they can help customers. That way, customers can see your products and are more likely to click through and buy.

Finally, Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms and has the potential to grow exponentially. If you don’t plan ahead, you could drown in the noise. You need a branding strategy to stand out and reach your audience. These Instagram branding tips start that strategy!

by @MarkPavelich CEO The Mark Consulting & Marketing

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