The reason why? Instagram is all about visuals and the power of a great visual and marketing a brand fit perfectly together.
Since inception nearly 20 billion photos have been uploaded to Instagram. No doubt a great many of them are selfies but business-minded photos are showing a rapid increase. Marketing a brand is about engaging current and potential customers and that’s what Instagram does so well.
When following a person or our case a company every single posted image is there for everyone to see 100% of the time. By comparison less than 5% of your Facebook followers see every image. Almost 70% of the world’s biggest brand-names are now on Instagram because it draws the attention of their followers every single day with every image readily accessible. It’s constant awareness at very little cost.
Instagram can help build your brand very quickly and at the fraction of the cost of big mainstream campaigns and content marketing. A good team of social media experts can do the job of getting your brand out there infinitely quicker and much more cost-effective than utilizing a content marketing scheme.
Engagement is the biggest key to a fruitful social media campaign especially on Instagram, but by the very nature of the Instagram’s design it is one of most enjoyable outlets for both consumers and businesses.
Instagram is fun and yet equally helpful. The posted photos can be shared on every avenue of social media including Facebook and Twitter, and can even be connected to Foursquare for added advantage of pin-pointing location. Photos scream out color, excitement and information. What more could you want from an advertisement?
As they say, ‘A picture is worth a thousand words.’
Now 1,000 words on a static ad like a newspaper or magazine is going to cost a fortune. And who has the time or inclination these days to sit down and read that much only to find out it is something you’re not interested in.
Let a photo do the talking for you. Words can only muddy up the message. A bright, impactful photo does so much more.
Nearly 50% of social media followers state they are much more intrigued by a product or service when an image is included in the message. Over 90% of messages that feature an image result in some sort of engagement compared to those messages without an image.
And Instagram can neatly tie into nearly every other type of marketing that your business is into particularly relationship management and promotional events.
By Mark Pavelich President Ceo The Mark Consulting & Marketing
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