How to get the bulk out of your  visual attention on your content

By October 27, 2021Blogposts
  1. Tell a story. Visual storytelling has become a trend
  2. Emphasize trending themes.
  3. Avoid Stock Photos as much as possible

Visual storytelling has become a trend in various forms of marketing and for good reason. The visual cortex is the largest part of the human brain. According to research, 72 hours later, the memory of an ordinary person stores only 10% of what they heard. But if the message is accompanied by visuals, this figure rises to 65%. It should come as no surprise that Instagram stories have become one of the most popular channels among modern users.

Grab the attention of users by using trending elements in your visuals. Cats and puppies are two such examples. Keep an eye on what’s trending and incorporate them in your visuals. I am not saying that you should add them to every visual you create but make sure you do it subtly and use it smartly so that it does not feel awkward and unprofessional. No brand likes to be seen as unprofessional.

Yes, you might be tempted to use stock photos because they are easily available and everyone else is doing it but if you want your visual content and brand to stand out, you should take your own pictures or create your own images. Users tend to ignore stock photos but pay attention to unique and original photos.

Using compelling photography is a strategy that should always be in your back pocket as a marketer. Images make content more interesting, and it’s easy to overlay a quote if you have a quality image to start with. Photos with quotes or callouts are super shareable and can gain traction on social media very quickly.

Don’t be afraid to get emotional some of the most memorable visual experiences are those that found a way to tap into the power of emotion.

And always remember this If a picture is worth a thousand words, how many is a video and what we found out is

 …… One minute of video is worth 1.8 million words.

@MarkPavelich CEO

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