Grow Your YouTube Channel and the Cost is Reading This Article

By April 1, 2022Blogposts

If, you’re asking yourself where to promote YouTube videos for free, we have some great tips.

The key to crafting outstanding titles is grabbing your audience’s attention. People crave content that’s entertaining, and they likewise want to know what your video is about from the very get go.

The best way to grow your YouTube channel is to know what your audience likes and wants to see. Do they want to see educational content about their career? Or perhaps they’re just looking to chill and watch Bloopers Reels because it’s fun and entertaining.

You can also create videos on current hot topics and some of them will rank on YouTube search. This way you catch a portion of the search traffic to your video.

Focus on growing your YouTube channel is to reformat content that has already performed well for you. That might mean turning your most popular blog post into a video.

You’ll need to rework the information and film a video about that topic, but you’re already starting out ahead. You know that your audience likes that content and wants to see it.

Think about your best-performing content from any content marketing channel and reformat it to video.

According to data, it takes an average of 22 months for a channel to reach 1,000 subscribers. Yet, if you don’t optimize your videos and have less than 1,000 subscribers, then you’ll get less than 10% of the total views on YouTube. That’s why it’s super important to grow your channel and subscriber list.

 Did You Know?


  • Total Number of Monthly Active YouTube Users:

2+ billion

  • Total Number of Daily Active YouTube Users:

122 million

  • Average Time Spent Daily on YouTube:

18 minutes

Total Daily Hours of Video Watched on YouTube:

1 billion hours

Total YouTube 2020 revenue: 

$19.7 billion

YouTube TV Paying Subscribers:

3 million

YouTube Premium Paying Subscribers: 

30 million

Number of Videos Watched Per Day

1 billion

Total number of daily YouTube shorts views: 

6.5 billion

@MarkPavelich CEO

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