Facebook Announces New Experiment to Reduce the Reach of Divisive Political Content in User Feeds.

By September 8, 2021Blogposts

Yes please, we can all agree.

Facebook has announced a new experiment which will see it de-emphasize political posts and updates about current events in user feeds, in response to ongoing user feedback.

Facebook will also limit the amount of political content that people see in their News Feeds, which could have a transformative impact on broader engagement – both on and off the platform itself.

Facebook further notes the experiment has shown that ‘some engagement signals can better indicate what posts people find more valuable than others’.

“Based on that feedback, we’re gradually expanding some tests to put less emphasis on signals such as how likely someone is to comment on or share political content. At the same time, we’re putting more emphasis on new signals such as how likely people are to provide us with negative feedback on posts about political topics and current events when we rank those types of posts in their News Feed.”

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg noted back in February: “One of the top pieces of feedback we’re hearing from our community right now is that people don’t want politics and fighting to take over their experience on our services. So one theme for this year is that we’re going to continue to focus on helping millions more people participate in healthy communities and we’re going to focus even more on being a force for bringing people closer together.”

Who doesn’t still love Facebook?

@MarkPavelich CEO TheMarkConsulting.com

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