How Content Marketing Will Be Different In 2016

By February 17, 2016Blogposts

Content marketing played an important role in the promotion of any business that wanted to gain online success in 2015. With 2016 just beginning, there has already been slight alteration in strategies that use content marketing to gain an edge over competitors. As the year progresses, further changes will be seen in this field where everything is about technology. The process of trying to reach more customers who are now turning towards the internet for answers is intricate and designing content that can attract customers is more crucial than ever. More marketing trends need to be taken into consideration when it comes to content marketing methods for 2016. At Mark consulting and marketing Company, we are committed to offering our customers with marketing approaches that will help them secure a strong position in the market, including content that is designed to reach more customers and engage them. Our goal here is to offer some insight on trend and shifts in content designing methods.
Using Social Media platforms
Social media platforms have earned a lot of importance over the past few years. The prediction that social media platforms such as Facebook are losing their importance is not completely true. Use of social media marketing is on the rise as always. Big companies are hiring marketing companies to design special content that can be advertised on social media to reach their target audience. Apps such as snapchat and Instagram have gained importance in the last year and will continue to do so this year. Designing content for such applications can help you elevate your business to the next level. In order to keep them interested and hooked, specially crafted content is advertised on social media along with graphics that will grasp their attention right away. That brings us to our next shift in trend.
Video streaming to get the message across
The younger generation is all about technology. This will continue to be the trend in 2016, providing people new opportunity in the form of marketing through live video streaming. Periscope and Meerkat are examples of such applications that are changing the way businesses will interact with their consumers. Through high quality live video streaming, content will be marketed to customers without them feeling the pressure or getting bored of it.
Hiring graphic designers to come up with engaging illustrations
More companies will be moving towards hiring teams of not only content writers that will create customer engaging messages but also graphic designers who will design attention grasping visual designs that can effectively communicate a message to their customers. The goal is to communicate a message to their customers be it in the form of written message or visual illustration. As long as the message is conveyed to the target audience, consider your marketing endeavours to be successful.

Trend of ‘Mobile-First’ on the rise
As smart phones become the most important gadget in the lives of people, a larger population is moving towards using their smartphones for everything. From internet surfing, interacting on social media to even browsing websites, kids and adults are all using their phones. Essentially if any message needs to be conveyed successfully it is highly important to design it in a way that it displays flawlessly on the smart phones. Any disruption in the arrangement of the content or graphic illustrations on the phone can be a turn off and in turn lead to potential loss of customer.

High customer expectation for quality content
Customers are constantly getting bombarded with marketing content from various competitors, increasing the content available to them. This leads to customers having higher expectations in terms of quality of content they are being exposed to. Selective reading will be on the rise and this will lead to more importance being placed on crafting content that will grasp target audience attention and retain it enough for them to consider reading the content you are marketing to them. Content creators will need to be smart to consider various factors such as engaging videos, image over text and useful information rather than burdening them with information overload. The focus will be on valuable information being consistently presented to imprint on consumers’ minds.

Encompassing real life based experiences
In order to stand out among the vast competition created due to internet and globalization, it is important to create a niche for yourself. That can be done by incorporating real life based experiences that will give it a personal touch and give your marketing efforts the boost required.

by Mark Pavelich President Ceo The Mark Consulting & Marketing

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