By May 21, 2019Blogposts

Canada’s real estate markets are polarized to say the least. Locally there are over 3500 real estate agents in the immediate area. I basically can’t tell anyone apart anymore and I can only imagine most consumers struggle with that as well.

In the real estate game, most agents spend money into lead generation sources to market their listings and believe that’s the only way.

That’s a sales technique. You’re basically paying a referral fee and attract customers when they’re near the time of purchase.

There are a ton of people competing in the real estate game. And if you’re an individual agent, chances are there are a lot of larger groups trying to sell homes in your area.

They’d be competing for that same market share as you. Kind of a David versus Goliath scenario you’re facing head on.   

When you finally realize you have no choice to go head to head with them, chances are you’ll fail because they’d be able to pay more for that attention than you can.

Focus on building your own personal brand and when I say get obsessed with it, I mean it. You don’t have to worry about what social media platforms to be on because starting now, you’re going to be on all of them. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and 1000% your own YouTube channel and start your own blog. Before you have a heart attack, keep in mind that it all doesn’t have to happen in one day.

That’s how you set apart from the pack.

You can build your brand by putting out content and really becoming one with your community. 

Join Toastmasters, Lion’s Club, Rotary Club or volunteer somewhere in your community. Sponsor a kid’s hockey, baseball and football teams and attend the games, participate in charity drives, coordinate a community garage sale, or a neighbourhood watch program. Get involved and give back.

I had a great lunch a few years back with my son and when we brought in  Fredrik Eklund real estate broker and Bravo TV reality star on Million Dollar Listing New York, entrepreneur and the author of The Sell. I remember asking Fredrik what made him so successful. He said, “I refuse to change who I am for anyone, its imperative to be who you are and make sure everyone in the room knows who you’re.” “Be non-stop with great content on social media and work hard.”

Guys I know it’s a jungle out their but what I’ve learned over the years is. you better step on that soap box and let the world know or go broke quietly into the night.

by @MarkPavelich CEO The Mark Consulting & Marketing

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