6 Things Successful People Do Before Bed

By May 14, 2015Uncategorized

When you consider the powerful people in the world you should notice that in addition to having a great monetary wealth, they are also able to have a rich personal life, complete with valuable family, friends and personal time. Personalities like Oprah Winfrey are successful in their business ventures, but are also able to enjoy the fruits of that success.You can also enjoy their success but, do do this you need to begin prioritizing your life and defining what success is for you. It should be a balance of ambition professionally and passion personally. To achieve that balance you need to be conscious of both those worlds and nurture them at the appropriate times.

What do you do before you go to sleep? Something significant? Here are 6 things successful people do before bed:

1. Successful People Write Down How Their Day Went in a Journal

The last work related activity successful people do before settling into their evening routine is write in their journal. Whether good or bad, the highlights of the day are documented.

If you are feeling overwhelmed by a tremendous number of tasks coming up, writing them in your journal as a to-do list will help you to prioritize and ease your mind that it will all get done.

Journal writing at night will not only help you in studying the effects of your business decisions, it will give your day, a closure. When finished writing, close the cover with conviction and know that you accomplished all that was possible for the day.

2. Successful People Read Books Before Going to Bed

Successful people are typically passionate readers. Whether it is how-to books, history, or even fiction, if you start talking to a successful person about books, they are sure to have a list of favorites.

Reading is a way in which your mind can relax and unwind after a busy day, while at the same time being infused with new knowledge and ideas. Do you have kids? Read to them before they go to bed like Tim Armstrong, the CEO of AOL does. This satisfies your love of reading and instills that same love in your children. If reading is not a relaxing activity for you, listen to music. Music can also help you unwind and put the pressures of the day on hold for a while.

3. Successful People Make Time to Interact With Family and Friends

What is the point in being successful if there is no one there to share it with. Successful people know the value of having friends and family in their lives and will allocate quality time to spend with them.

Many will try and make it home for dinner, or at least to watch the evening news together. Successful people may set aside one evening a week or month where they have dinner with close friends. Staying connected with the people who matter most to you helps to keep things in perspective when your professional life starts to take up too much of your personal time.

Your family and friend relationships help establish a firm foundation for your business relationships. They help you learn the value of communication and how to make compromises. What you learn in your personal life in dealing with people is invaluable when it comes time to deal with co-workers, bosses and even clients.

4. Successful People Plan for the Next Day Before Going to Bed

Set aside 15 minutes in the evening where you get your things together for tomorrow. Lay out and iron your clothes.

Make sure that your briefcase has all the paperwork you are going to need. While doing this, think about what you have planned for tomorrow and envision how you will accomplish your tasks. Make this a positive frame of thought, where everything works out just as you would want it to.

5. Successful People Will Disconnect From Their Professional World Before Going to Bed

Personal time means shutting down anything that may distract from relaxing.

It might be difficult, but shut down the cell phone and put away the laptop. No matter how successful you are, you always have to remember to set aside time to make yourself and your needs a priority. Driven people who only focus on work may have periods of success in their lives, but truly successful people have a healthy balance between their professional and personal selves.

6. Successful People are Getting Enough Sleep at Night

It makes no difference who you are or how focused your mind is on your job. If you aren’t giving your mind and body the rest it needs at night, you are not going to be successful for long.

Starting off a day already tired will make it an unproductive one. If you find you are having trouble nodding off, or are waking up throughout the night, you may need to try some relaxation techniques before going to sleep. Start by eliminating caffeine in your evenings. Take a warm bath complete with candles or bubbles. This might be the right time to read that book or listen to music. When all else fails, meditate. Meditating at night is commonly practiced by successful people to regain focus and work on self – discipline. Find the evening activity that will assist you in falling into a deep slumber and you will start each day feeling strong enough to take on any challenge.

It wouldn’t hurt to give a quick thought to all you have to be thankful for before the last sheep floats over your head. One important component to success is knowing that you did not achieve it completely in isolation. Acknowledge those positive elements of your life before sleep and give thanks for them.

Source: www.NewzGeeks.com