Stand Out or Get Lost In The Shuffle.

By December 15, 2015Blogposts

When the world has 7.2 Billion people and counting, it’s very easy to get lost in the crowd and it’s especially easy to be replaced by the person sitting right next to you. To make it in today’s market you need to have the skills both fundamental & social while still making yourself “standout” in other words become irreplaceable!

Be Different: Don’t follow the crowd. Out of the 7.2 Billion people on earth I would estimate that 75% of them are what I call “Sheeple” People who are sheep & these people will follow each other into slaughter. Don’t be this person, there are many ways to be different, stand on your own two feet, have your own interest and never stop learning because self-education is one of the most important aspects of living in the information age. Don’t fall into the “party every weekend” trap, trust me I’ve been there, it’s easy to get caught up within this life, and this way of life will keep you mediocre for the rest of your days. Learn to love yourself, don’t be scared to be alone, surround yourself with positive thinkers and use your free time to better yourself as a human, because you truly have a purpose! Everyone has an unlimited amount of potential but most of us will never realize this because we are stuck being followers!

Be Authentic: “You are powerful beyond measure” I love this quote by Eric Thomas because it’s the truth!! But most of us are too scared to realize this, be the person no one else can be and that’s YOU! Authenticity starts with you having genuine intentions, become self-aware of your own talents & strengths. Have you ever asked yourself what your values are? Try it, while you’re at it write down a goals list, take it one step further and write down exactly what you need to do to achieve those goals. Because your goals are YOU, people may have similar goals, but your values will determine what kind of life you truly want to live. You will start attracting the right people in your life when you become completely authentic, because people will relate to you, your story, and your journey. When I was visiting New York City the one thing that really impressed me about the city, wasn’t actually any landmarks or history (although they are both breathtaking and beautiful) but rather it was the people. Everyone seemed to have their own personal style, no one seemed to care about what someone else thought of them, they seemed so focused on their own personal goals & mission and I loved it! I felt motivated by their energy of true self authenticity. So don’t be scared to express yourself through fashion, words, music, art, express your emotions and learn to live a life within, at that point you will become your true self.

Promote Yourself: or else no one else will. I’m not talking about you telling everyone you’re the best thing since flavoured vodka, I’m talking about standing up for what you believe in, and sharing your thoughts & ideas while helping people around you become who they want to be. This way of life is self-promotion at its finest, because people will talk, word to mouth will flow. Beyond that make sure you’re part of this century and are utilizing all the tools that are at your disposal within your fingertips. Social Media is not just for sharing pictures of you clubbing, a lot of corporations these days don’t actually take resumes anymore, they do all their hiring through mediums like linked in. Clean up your Facebook because you’re crazy if you don’t think your boss saw those pictures of you flipping the bird, and even the ones where you’re passed out drunk on vacation. Have you watched the news or a sporting event lately? Any live broadcasting or talk shows is so social media driven that the hosts have their twitter handles right there on your TV for you to follow! Here’s a shameless plug follow me on Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram & Periscope you can find me at: DPavelich! Make sure you keep up with the times, or you will get left behind.

I truly believe in you, we have so many smart men and women within our generation and younger that we can change the world for the better, try to utilize your potential and don’t get caught up with the “Sheeple” – We are a generation of leaders, innovators, thinkers and problem solvers and yes you are part of this greatness! I’ll leave you with this awesome quote by Robin Sharma “You already are what you’ve always dreamed of being” you just need to find it!
Written by: Dave Pavelich

My Facebook | My Instagram | My Twitter | My Snapchat is DPavelich