I’ve been doing this my whole life, marketing, promoting and straight up hustling. I can give you free tips and ideas but if you’re not applying or executing them, they will be worthless. Keep in mind your taking advice from someone who has been doing this their whole life, it truly is like breathing for me. – Mark Pavelich President CEO The Mark Consulting & Marketing
- Post a controversial view: Play devil’s advocate, but tread carefully.
- Fan of the month: Acknowledge your brand ambassadors and let them know they’re appreciated.
- Offer expert insights into a topic: This helps establish you as a thought leader in your field.
- Hold a Q&A session: Promote a live Q&A period where you’ll answer fan questions.
- Promote an industry-related event: This can either be a live or online event.
- Share a funny commercial: Post a commercial that would be appeal to your fans or followers.
- Host a Google+ hangout: Promote it through all your social media channels.
- Promote a free download: This could be a plugin, white paper, e-book or anything else that would be useful for your audience.
- Hold a debate on social media: This can go downhill pretty quickly, so be sure to stay on top of it!
- Take a trip down memory lane: Share photos of old logos, websites or your very first product.
Connect with The Mark Consulting & Marketing Ceo & President Mark Pavelich Below;
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